Friday, November 26, 2004

Targeted v Generic Leads

This first lesson is designed to explain the difference between high-quality and low-quality leads.

For starters, there are two basic kinds of leads I will be talking about:

1. Targeted leads
2. Generic Leads

The best leads are targeted leads, and by that I mean those who actually respond to your own advertising or promotions.

An example of this are the leads I get through my lead generation page. Notice how this page has a simple 3-line ad at the top. These are the high-quality leads I am talking about. When someone subscribes after your reading your own ad, that's a targeted lead.

These are the leads you need to search out for your lead list, and I will show you how to find them in later lessons.

But, what are generic leads?

These are basically lists that you buy. It is HIGHLY unadvisable to buy lists, especially email lists. Buying an email list is essentially worthless, and the reason is pretty clear. These people on these lists may well have subscribed to some generic list somewhere, but they don't know you from a hole in the ground.

When these bought generic or even semi-targeted people receive your emails, they tend to quickly unsubscribe. I have never heard of a reliable and credible success story from buying lists. Again, they never saw your ad, so they aren't targeted and may have no interest at all in your offers.

Simply put, generic leads are those that directly or indirectly subscribe without actually reading your ad. Hence, they are very low in quality, and worse than that is that people sell these leads.


Targeted Lead:
1. Person reads your ad on a webpage, in an email, etc.
2. Person subscribes to your list after reading your ad.

Generic Lead:
1. Person signs up to something, usually passively agreeing to receive email from others.
2. Person never even sees your ad.
3. Person is usually confused when they receive your emails because they don't remember opting in to receive such information.

Needless to say, your best results are going to come from the targeted leads that actually are joining your list because they want to after reading your ad or promotion.

In my next post, I will show you how to start setting up a system so you can start getting some of these targeted leads. I have about 6000 on my main list at the time of this writing, and I will gradually lay out a plan to show you how to start building your own list with targeted leads.
